Script for Of Gods And Men The Daybreak Empire
The game was designed to read text documents that included screen effect commands. Character dialogue sprites was decided by an emoji at the start of the dialogue

//Battle in Domov//You enter Domov
SetBackground FieldPlayMusic BattleLight
😏Cousin! You have arrived![Saaga]
😏We have. You must be Unegui.[Unegui]
😏I am.
😏And this is my noble steed, Temujin.[Shoja]
😏A pleasure to meet you, milady.[Unegui]
🙁Please miss, she’s a camel.
This writing sample follows the prologue, where the hero Saaga lead her tribe to victory, the death of her adoptive father, and her ascension to leadership of her people.
SetBackground Black
PlayMusic WorldMapLight
2 years later…
SetBackground Tent
[Guard 2]
😏My Kahn, another envoy from the Katiji is requesting an audience.
😠Tell them my answer hasn’t changed, we can’t spare a single soldier to help them.
[Guard 1]
😏I told her, your grace. But she’s proven quite-
PlaySound DoorSlam
PlayMusic BattleLight
ShakeScreen 1, 0.25
Wait 1
[Guard 1]
😠Let me through you horse#&@%!$!!
😠I need to talk to her! Where is she!?
😠Over here.
😏Kahn Saaga, it’s an honor to make your acquaintance.
😏And to whom do I owe the pleasure of having my tent barged into?
😏General Shoja Laboea of Katiya City. I come on behalf of the Katiji Kingdoms to ask-
😟Look, I know what you’ve come to ask, and you know my answer.
😟The Isa are sorry to hear of your plight but I can’t sacrifice two years of peace to send my people to die on the mainland.
😟But we’re being slaughtered! Everything east of Katiya has been overrun by Touga crusaders.
😟We flee the cities just to be captured by raiders and pirates. We can’t feed the refugees!
😟Please I’m begging you!
😟I’m sympathetic to your plight. Banners bearing the dragon god have shown up on my own shores and carried off my own people.
😠But my mind is made up. Please leave, my guards will accompany you.
😟You heard what happened to your father, the Lord Mayor of the Hyuga?
😠My birth father.
😏Your birth father and your elder brother-
😠Half brother.
😏-half brother are dead. It’s said your younger brot-
😟Half brother had them killed to seize power. The lands across the channel are in chaos.
😠What of it?
😏You have a stronger claim than him, even if you’re a bastard. If you can defeat him in the field, the city is yours!
😏You’ve brought an unprecedented peace to this island, why let it stop here?
😟And if you do, you’ll have the full support of my people — but first, we need your help.
😟I could- No, I can’t put my people at risk, I’m sorry.
😏By right the Hyuga are your people. And mine could be too, if you aided them. Peace is possible.
😟I’ll call a council. You’ll have an answer in the morning.
😏Thank-you, my Kahn.
😟Don’t thank me yet…
PlayMusic WorldMap
Wait 1
//Return to the campaign map. The upper left corner of the campaign map is visible, with the Ergene Island territories, Duval island, and the upper territories as far as Koduma are activated.
//The Duval Islands are occupied by an unmoving stack of Katiji, North Baina is empty, Katiya is controled by the Katiji and Koduma is controlled by the Touga.
😏You won’t regret this, my Kahn. We should leave at once!
Wait 0.5
MoveCamera “Duval Islands”
Wait 0.5
😠The treacherous Katiji of the Duval Islands have taken up piracy to profit from the chaos and may need to be subdued.
Wait 0.5
MoveCamera “Isa”
Wait 0.5